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Shanghai Lihan Aquarium Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the planning and design of aquariums and indoor animal theme parks, the construction of marine aquarium landscape projects, the planning and design of marine tourism landscapes, the overall operation of aquariums, the design and installation of life support systems, and the construction of fiberglass waterproofing, etc. At present, it has participated in the construction of aquarium projects in many domestic aquariums, ocean parks, water parks, cute pet parks and large shopping centers.

The company has a professional project construction team, professional planning and design force and strong product production capacity, and can provide customers with a series of professional services from professional consultation, planning and design to completion of project construction, operation management and technical maintenance on behalf of customers.

Shanghai Lihan Aquarium Technology Co., Ltd.

Tel: +86 156-1837-9819

Email: 857935247@qq.com

Website: www.lihansz.cn

Address: Building 1, No. 300 Aide Road, Fengcheng Town, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China

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